
What Is the Difference Between Hot, Cold, And Warm Forging?

types of forging

To most people, forging is forging. But to blacksmiths and those that are familiar with blacksmithing processes, there are different types of forging. Forging occurs at different temperatures depending on the purpose. Consequently, there are three types of forging which are warm, hot, and cold forging. Hot Forging One of the most significant things that … Read more

Top 7 Career Opportunities For A Blacksmith’s Apprentice

blacksmith apprenticeship

Blacksmithing is a profession that is attracting a lot of attention. More and more people create interest in the business because of the career opportunities available to apprentice. The career opportunities for blacksmith’s apprentice are numerous, and the choice is often dependent on individual interest.  There are several things to know when starting blacksmith apprenticeship. Read … Read more

How To Make Your Own Wedding Rings

making your own wedding rings

Wedding rings are one of the most expensive pieces usually created by blacksmiths. It is smaller than most other blacksmithing products in terms of size; it is, however, one of the costliest. Due to how valuable it is, people with blacksmithing knowledge prefer to make their wedding rings rather than buying an expensive one. However, … Read more

A Look At Colonial Blacksmith Clothing

colonial blacksmith clothing

Traveling down the history lane, it is a common belief that the blacksmithing profession is as old as the existence of metal itself. Blacksmithing has been in life even through pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial eras. Everything about blacksmithing started with the trade, including the colonial blacksmith clothing. The colonial period lasted through the 17th century … Read more

A Look At Medieval Blacksmith’s Clothing

medieval blacksmith clothing

The medieval period, also remembered as the Middle Age is one of the most significant periods in blacksmithing history. Blacksmiths in this period usually do strenuous work and typically have work for long hours. Medieval blacksmith clothing is one of the signs of identification and it also helps with protection. Like most other people that … Read more

Simple Steps To Smith Your Own Hooks

how to forge a hook

Aside from the fact that making a hook is one of the most straightforward jobs in blacksmithing, it is also a technique that precedes much-advanced blacksmithing. How to smith hooks is an essential skill that can go a long way in helping blacksmiths reach the peak of their career. Read on to find out how … Read more