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How To Make Your Own Wedding Rings

Wedding rings are one of the most expensive pieces usually created by blacksmiths. It is smaller than most other blacksmithing products in terms of size; it is, however, one of the costliest. Due to how valuable it is, people with blacksmithing knowledge prefer to make their wedding rings rather than buying an expensive one.

However, the only restriction to most people is the lack of knowledge or know-how on how to create a wedding ring. The processes involved are not very complicated. The steps below will help you make your wedding ring quickly and effectively.

STEP 1: Get The Right Materials

The materials you will use might be the determinant of the rest of the process when making your own wedding rings. It is essential to get the right metal that will suit your needs, as well as the one with a constant width and shape.

 In this step, you will determine how large the ring will be if it is flat or curved, as well as the type of metal the ring will be in use.

You can also make use of unique materials like silver, gold, or diamond.

STEP 2: Create The Shape And Width

The best of this scenario is to get a metal that already has the ring shape when making your own wedding rings. However, it becomes complicated to adjust the width of the ring. On the other hand, you can make use of flat metal. You will beat the ore into a straight metal after a suitable measurement.

You can also give your ring your desired shape as you want it. It can be flat on the inside and configured to curve outside. This type of form is the most classic shape. It can also be straight and be flat on both sides.

STEP 3: Engraving

There is usually no unique forging due to the type of metal used in making rings. Engraving involves the inscription of any wordings or images on the rings, and you can engrave your rings with signature, wedding dates, patterns, and so on. Engraving takes a longer time for the ring to be ready. Some blacksmiths prefer to send the rings to those that will engrave it or companies that specialize in such a process.

STEP 4: Finishing

There are two basic styles involved in having a suitable finishing. They are the surface and texture finishes. Your finishing will help you upgrade the ring from just metal to a unique classic brand that is perfectly polished. Depending on the type of metal involved, you can employ different types of finishing, including hammered sculpted, brushed, refined, and brushed finishes.


Making wedding rings is one of the most lucrative aspects of blacksmithing work. It is one of the jobs that require blacksmiths to work with some of the most expensive metals on earth, including gold and silver. The size, style width, and shape that determine the process can be specific for individuals. Making your wedding ring is relatively cheaper when than buying a new one.