
How to Forge a Ring

how to forge a ring

The tools needed for making rings are not different from the general blacksmithing tools. They include; Tong Tweezers A pot of pickles Hammer Sandpaper Flat nose pliers Jewelers saw 4/0 saws Sharpie marker Solder pick Torch setup Firing brick Flux, file Brush Other tools can vary depending on the specific type of ring you want … Read more

Top 5 Blacksmith Museums In The U.S. To Learn About The Craft

blacksmith museum

Blacksmithing is one of the oldest professions in human existence with a lot of history. Museums make up one of the places where ancient crafts are preserved, consequently preserving the history of the blacksmithing trade. You can find astonishing and ancient arts that will help you learn about old works and how they thrived centuries … Read more

Guide to Some Of The Best Finishes For Your Blacksmith Work

blacksmith finishes

The marketability of blacksmithing work is highly dependent on the quality and neatness of your work. And one of the significant factors that can contribute to the tidiness of your work is the finishes you give to it. Excellent blacksmith finishes add the essential appealing outlook to your work, therefore improving its market value and … Read more

How To Forge A Bottle Opener Keychain

How To Forge A Bottle Opener Keychain

Forging is one of the basic techniques in blacksmithing. Blacksmiths forge several objects, including a bottle keychain opener.  A bottle opener keychain is one of the bestselling blacksmithing items; hence a lot of blacksmiths spend time in mastering how to forge it. Forging a bottle keychain opener requires no complicated step. It only requires your … Read more

How To Set Up A Stump

stump anvil

You are most likely familiar with an anvil as a vital tool in blacksmithing. There is something most people miss out, and this is the stand on which blacksmiths place their anvil. This stand is referred to as stump of an anvil. The stump is securely attached to the anvil to increase the height an … Read more

Guides To U.S Laws and Regulations on Blacksmithing

blacksmith forge laws

Some specific legal rules and standards guide every profession in the United States. The laws are aimed at regulating the working procedures and activities of blacksmiths to conform to all legal standards. This guide will help you not violate the fundamental human rights of people around them and break blacksmith forge laws. The laws in … Read more