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How To Set Up A Stump

You are most likely familiar with an anvil as a vital tool in blacksmithing. There is something most people miss out, and this is the stand on which blacksmiths place their anvil. This stand is referred to as stump of an anvil.

The stump is securely attached to the anvil to increase the height an also make a small anvil appear like a bigger one. Therefore, it is essential to choose a suitable option to help the anvil perform its role in blacksmithing at the optimum level.

Preparing the right stump for your anvil is as important as getting an anvil itself. Here are simple ways on how you can develop a stump for your anvil in blacksmithing.

Step 1: Figure Out The Suitable Stump

Type There are different types that you can use in your blacksmithing shop for an anvil. The most common type is the wooden stump. Come also prefer the metal or iron stump but are relatively expensive and difficult to get. You should ensure that the stump should be big enough to carry the anvil. It shouldn’t be too be as well to allow easy proximity of the blacksmith to the anvil.

Step 2: Determine The Suitable Size

The size and shape of the stump is another factor you should seriously consider. The size of the stump should be dependent on the size of the anvil, but the preferred surface shape is square.  

Step 3: Flatten The Surface of the Stump

After getting a precise size and shape for your anvil, you can proceed to flatten the surface of the wood. This flattening is to ensure that the anvil will be evenly balanced on the stump.

Step 4: Make A Strong Stand For The Anvil

If you are making use of a sandy floor, you can dig a hole a few inches deep to bury the base firmly into the ground. But on the contrary, if you are making use of a hard surface, map out three legs at the base of the stump. Make out a particular area between the legs that is approximately 0.3 inches deep. This type of leg will allow the stump to rest comfortably even on an uneven floor. You should ensure that the diameter of the legs should be at least 8 inches wide.

Step 5: Positioning

Find a suitable and balanced position to place the stump. The location of the tool is equivalent to the view of the anvil in your blacksmithing shop.

Step 6: Fasten The Anvil to the Stump

Once you are through with all other steps above, you can now fasten down the anvil on the stump. You should ensure that the anvil is firmly and properly attached to avoid any form of complication.


Blacksmithing stumps can develop to be an integral and inseparable part of an anvil. While choosing the wood you want to use in creating your stump, it is best to select a dense wood that cannot easily split from the impact of repeated hammering. You should also use a stump that will make working on anvil easier for you.