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How To Restore Your Old Anvil

To reface, you might think it is a tremendous job to do. But to reface simple means to repair. So to reface your anvil means to fix it. Read on to find out how to restore an anvil.

An anvil is an instrument used by a blacksmith. It consists of a block metal with a flat top surface. The anvil is an instrument that you can place metal for beating.

An anvil is a handy tool in blacksmithing. Even in sculpture and carpentry, this tool has been of great help and usefulness. An anvil is usually from cast or forged steel, making it entirely or 80 percent metal.

Since the anvil is a metal on which metals are placed for beating into sheets and planes, then the anvil itself is subjected to wearing. An anvil wearing off due to friction between the metals and force exerted by the blacksmith on the metals is a significant disadvantage to the blacksmith. This concept is from the idea of repairing the anvil.

To reface an anvil doesn’t seem an easy task. Relining anvil will be of great advantage and profit to the blacksmith. But the question now is, “how do we reface an anvil.”

How Do I Reline Or Restore My Old Anvil

To reface an anvil isn’t as easy as it seems. A good option is to replace your old or worn-out anvil with a new one. It will just cost you going to a store to get another one.


To restore an anvil, the first thing you do is to coat the anvil with metal or welding rod. This process entails using a welding rod to build the surface of the anvil. You can repeat this process to ensure perfection.


Once you are through with building the surface of the anvil with the welding rod, the next thing to do is grinding, to make the surface smooth.


After grinding the surface, you have to make the welding rod align with the anvil. You get this done by treating the anvil to heat. The essence of heating the anvil is tempering out the surrounding steel and it is vital to restore your anvil.

Another way to go about this is to scrape down the high part of the anvil in order to level with the low parts of the anvil. This involves scraping the anvil until every part of the anvil levels with one another. After scraping, you then grind the anvil to make the surface smooth.

This process has a disadvantage. The disadvantage is that it reduces the thickness of your anvil. It makes the anvil flatter than it has previously been. This process also causes the anvil prone to damage as it can break if the work done on it exceeds its capacity.


 An anvil, as has been stated above, is a handy tool used by a blacksmith. It is on it that the hitting of metals with different temperatures takes place. The metals are placed on the flat surface of the anvil and then hammered into shapes, sheets, planes, etc. as the blacksmith desires.

To reface an anvil isn’t an easy task as it takes both concentration and devotion of time and energy to get it accomplished.