
How To Become A Japanese Swordsmith Apprentice

japanese swordsmith apprenticeship

There is a common saying that every master was once an apprentice, which is very accurate. The popularity and the crafts involved in creating a Japanese sword have triggered many people to develop an interest in learning its processes. Are you considering taking on a japanese swordsmith apprenticeship? A number of these people are willing to … Read more

Blacksmithing Guide: Forging A Traditional Samurai Sword

forging a samurai sword

Japanese blacksmiths have unique ways of making a variety of swords. They do particular heating, smelting, and purification before forming a new blade. Forging a traditional samurai sword [Katana] with conventional methods and techniques can take weeks to months. If you intend to simulate the Japanese samurai sword, here is a step by step guide … Read more

Why Do Blacksmiths Heat Material between Bashing With a Hammer?

why do blacksmiths heat metal

Heating materials at intervals during bashing is a common practice among blacksmiths. As simple as it sounds, this simple act can make a lot of difference in how the metal will be forged and how easy you can temper with the metal. Ever wondered why do blacksmiths heat metal? There are different types of materials. … Read more

Three Simple Ways To Boost Your Hammering Accuracy

blacksmith hammering techniques

Hammering accuracy and efficiency is key to successful forging. You have to develop a cadence that enables you to apply accurate repeated hammer strokes quickly before the iron loses its welding heat and has to be reheated again. Read on to learn about useful blacksmith hammering techniques. This not only enables you to work quickly … Read more

Types Of Japanese Swords You Can Forge In Your Blacksmith’s Shop

types of japanese swords

The art of Samurai swordsmanship was complemented with impeccably crafted swords. The swords were famous for their strength and fine craftsmanship. Some of the most important Samurai swords include katana, tanto, odachi, wakizashi, chokutu, uchigatana and kodachi among others. The designs of the swords have gone through some changes over the years. Find out the … Read more

Are You Fit Enough for a Career Blacksmithing?

blacksmith fitness

Just how strong and physically fit do you have to be to become a successful blacksmith? Find out about blacksmith fitness. We all imagine blacksmithing to be a tedious and strenuous task where you have to carry heavy metal, deliver strong hammer blows and grapple with heat while gasping for air in an otherwise stuffy … Read more